Bacon is my friend.

Do any of you watch the show Parks and Recreation?  There is a tough, libertarian (the irony, he's a government worker) character on there named Ron Swanson who loves bacon.  While sitting in a restaurant, he orders "All the bacon and eggs you have."  The waiter looks back at him, and Ron replies "I'm concerned what you heard me say was bring me a lot of bacon and eggs, when what I said was 'Bring me all the bacon and eggs you have.'"

Ron's my kinda man.

When I don't really "feel" like making dinner, and I'm lucky enough to have bacon in my fridge, this is my go-to meal.  And though it's not really a recipe, I hope that a reminder of it's deliciousness with spark some BLTA enthusiasm in your little heart.

Because really, what's better than bacon?

The kicker of this sandwich is the delicious bread it's smooshed between.  I use homemade artisan sourdough loaf to make these sandwiches - and the sourdough lends itself wonderfully to the fresh and flavorful contents.  

It starts out like this.

Sourdough slices.  Buttered and broiled until golden.

Meanwhile, I fill my house with the beautiful fragrance of fried pork.

After the bread is golden (and cooled...I've told you already this week, I hate warm avocado!) I smear one slice with avocado and smoosh tomatoes on the other (I used preserved tomatoes from last year's harvest).

Insert bacon.  Make sure it's nice and crispy - that's what makes it good.

Insert romaine lettuce.

See?  Now doesn't that just look delicious?

I served ours with some homemade sweet potato fries and home-canned pears.  Mmm, mmm, mmm.

This sandwich is a quick and rich meal in itself, full of good fats & flavor.  I could eat one every single day.

Mainly because I love bacon.  And bread.  And avocado.  And tomatoes.

Ready to bring a BLTA revival this weekend.  Send help,


Fine! I'll tell you already!


We play.