Fine! I'll tell you already!

Alright, alright, alright.  I'll tell you.  The cats out of bag anyways.

I've longed dreamed of what I would say in this post, as over the past year and a half, you readers have grown to be my dear friends.  It's strange in that I don't know you, yet I still feel that we are close comrades. 

But for the blubber and let's cut to the chase.

The Elliott Homestead will be welcoming a new little wee one into the family!

I know, right?!  Are you smiling?  Bouncing up and down with joy?  Beaming with happiness?

Me too!  (That is, if I weren't collapsed in fetal position 90% of the time, stricken with exhaustion and nausea.  But that's not important.)

What's important is that good Lord has chosen to bless us with another child and we couldn't be more excited.

We were planning on waiting until after the first trimester to tell the 'world', just to be safe.  But as these things go, here we are - sharing in our great joy.  And by the way, you're welcome for showing you a picture of the stick I urinated on.

Here's a few notes about the pregnancy thus far:
1.  I forgot what nausea felt like, now, I remember.
2.  I forgot what exhaustion felt like, now, I remember.
3.  If we move, that means I will be driving in a U-Haul for 2,600 miles, in the middle of summer, with a gigantic belly and a baby squishing my bladder.  Did I mention the toddler?
4.  Late-night-nausea-relieving-eating caused me to buy sprouted bread for the first time in two years.  And Goldfish.  And Easter candy. 
5.  A few times when I've been doing dishes, I've gagged uncontrollably.  This makes this difficult.
6.  Send help.

What a crazy time this is in the Homestead - job offers, moving possibilities, gardens, toddlers, and a little new munchkin!

And to be honest, yes, at the moment it all seems impossible.  But we serve a great, just, forgiving, loyal, and perfect God who holds us, and this new one, in his protective hands.

Thank you Father, for these gifts!


Simple Pea Salad.


Bacon is my friend.