Harry. Harry Potter.

I'm not afraid to admit it.

If you follow The Elliott Homestead on Facebook, you know the guilty pleasure I've been indulging in.

His name is Harry.

On Monday, I finished the very last book.  Sigh.  What am I going to do with my life now?!

The five loads of laundry that await me?

Caring for my toddler?

Preparing meals?

Ironing clothes?

All good things - and worthy tasks - no doubt.  But as with most book series, it is always bittersweet to finish.  Like the loss of a good friend, one is left melancholy - slowly wishing for more moments.

Of course, I don't think my husband will complain if I finally finish those projects I've been putting off...

But the books were soooo good!!!

And seriously, I'm totally not into the whole wizard/magic thing at all.  But these books were wonderful.  What an incredible story of tragedy and triumph!  I laughed.  I cried.  I stayed up late contemplating the 'what-ifs'.  I talked about them so much with Stu that he started to begin conversations with "Is this about Harry Potter again....".

Why yes.  Yes, it is about Harry Potter again.  I have theories! I have opinions! I have thoughts!

Luckily, he graciously listened to my theories about Snape and Dumbledore and the Horcruxes.  And that's why I love him.

Stuart.  Not Harry, I mean.

I write this message for a few reasons:
1.  I saw a Harry Potter wand in Barnes and Noble last week and contemplated buying it for myself for Christmas.  Accio wand!  And just in case you see me walking around with one, I thought you better know.
2.  I'm kidding.  Sort of.
3.  If you haven't read the series, I wanted to encourage you to.  Even if you're not into the magic-thing, I'm very confident you'll find the books captivating and wonderfully written.  It tells a wonderful tale and is thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable.

Of course, I'm preaching to the choir here.  Since 98% of the world's population has read the books already.

Now that I've completed my goal of finishing the series before baby arrives, I'm about to begin on my next adventure: The Chronicles of Narnia!

I've never read them either.  I'm, like, so out of the loop.

You know me. I like to be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years behind all trends.

It makes life less hectic that way.  You don't have to wait in line at the movie theater to see the premiere!  Because, unlike all those anxious people, you won't even read the book for another seven years!  And then you can just rent the movie!

By the way, I am totally planning a Harry Potter Movie Marathon.  As soon as I can locate all seven movies, that is.

There will be popcorn involved.

And hot chocolate.

And something with pumpkin in it.

And blankets.

And perhaps a wand I can point at the screen while I watch to really feel a part of the action.

I may even knit myself a scarf in the Gryffindor colors to show my pride during the Quidditch scenes.  This is going to be awesome.

Thanks for all the wonderful memories Harry!  I shall never forget you.  Now, don't take it personally, but I've got to share some attention with my husband and baby.  They are, after all, real people...and not fictional characters.

Cheers to priorities!


With a dash of cinnamon.


The diaper and wipe routine. And Gandalf.