With a dash of cinnamon.

No, the weather is not cool here yet, though the mornings are starting to bring that slight ting of fall air our way.  I happily pull on my favorite black 'Cashmere Bulldogs' sweatshirt as I load Georgia up to drive Stu to work at 6:50.  I love that time in the morning - the sky still slightly dark, the coffee still warm in my cup, getting to feel extra cozy in my giant sweatshirt.

At least for twenty minutes until it gets too hot to be cozy anymore.  At which point I tear it off, throw it across the room, and curse the blazing sun.

Even without the normal traits of fall that I've grown accustomed to (fine, I'll admit, I'm still pouting about missing Wenatchee's pear and apple harvest), one thing is for sure - fall it is.  Even if that fall is still humid and hot.

I know it's fall because:
1.  Stuart is already preparing for end of the quarter activities.  Seriously!?  End of the first quarter?! Are you kidding me?!

2.  There are approximately three yellow leaves in my front yard.  Though I've heard that the trees don't change color like I'm used to, I'll take these three solo yellow leaves as a good sign.

3.  I'm pretty sure that every giant roach within a twenty mile radius is seeking a warmer home at night.  And the home they seek is mine.  I die.

4.  I saw a bounty of fresh pumpkins at my favorite market this past week.  There wasn't enough left in the grocery budget to buy any, but I still stared at them with starry eyes - dreaming of the day I could fill my front porch with all different shapes and sizes of pumpkin.  I heart pumpkins.

5.  A great impulse has come over me to drink homemade chai tea and homemade hot chocolate at every opportunity (which I immediately regret because it makes my body so hot that I start sweating and cursing that blazing sun again).  It's just wrong.  It's almost October, sun. Get over yourself.

I wonder what fall will look like for our family next year.

Will we still be living in Alabama?

Will we still be living in this house?

Will we have a garden full of homegrown pumpkins?

Will I be able to savor a freshly picked apple (ahem, like a proper fall should have, ahem)?

Will our baby be here yet?

Okay.  That was a stupid question.  Of course the baby will be here by then.  Sorry.  I guess I got caught up in the question format I was rollin' with there.

As hard as it's been these past few months, I feel this fall has brought with it a wonderful sense of peace.  No, I don't know the Lord's plan for next fall.  But I also don't know His plan for tomorrow.  He continually teaches me to trust in that unknown, to savor the present moment, and to seek Him first in all things - rather than my own personal itinerary (which I must admit, I'm quite fond of).

And speaking of personal itineraries....

This fall also brought with it the wonderful opportunity to join in three (yes, three) classes at our new church.  

The first is a new membership class that we are taking after church on Sundays.  Stuart is already very familiar with the structure and inside-happenings of a PCA church, but I've found it very informative.  I've never gone through such an extensive membership class, though I've been very thankful for the fellowship and extra time it's allotted to focus on the church.  

I also am meeting with a group of other women on Tuesday mornings for a study of the book 'Having a Mary Heart In A Martha World'.  Oh. My. Goodness.  As I eagerly read through the first two chapters, I found myself scribbling down quote after quote.  

Quotes like this:

It's not that the things of Martha aren't good, but they're not what is best.

 Let not one action be wasted....not one word fall to the ground.

 Mary could never be Martha or vice-versa.  This isn't what Jesus asks of them.

We want to worship like Mary but the Martha in us keeps bossing us around.

Busyness, by itself, breeds distraction. 

While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship and worship.

He knows if we're overly worried and bogged down by duties, chances are good our hearts will not hear the Savior's call to come.

Don't expect explanations or apologies.  After all, God is God.

This book is speaking directly to my heart at the moment and I've been so blessed, already, by it's words.  So much so, that I had to put together a three-ring binder to help me keep track of all the notes I was taking while I read.  And heck, while I was at it, I threw a few divider tabs in for all my other classes as well.

It's been handy to have all my notes from the classes in one place.  I also made myself a section for sermon notes and prayer requests, so that I can easily write them down before they slip my mind.

Not that that's ever happened, or anything.

Lastly, Stuart and I are participating in a Marriage Class on Wednesday nights (Georgia gets extra play-time with all the other kids).  We are reading through The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller.  We're only a few chapters in, but it's already been such a sweet time of fellowship and learning for us.  Having more intimate time with other members of the church has really helped us to build in our new relationships here.  And any time you have the opportunity to focus on and feed your marriage, it's a wonderful thing.  

Especially in the craze of being a 'first-year-teaching-widow', as I affectionately refer to it.

Fall brings with it such wonderful experiences.

New studies.  New schedules.  New weather.  New warmth.  New babies.   New harvests.

I want to drink in all in!  With a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Now if only I could get my hands on some danged apples and pears.  Anyone in Wenatchee feel like shipping a box down?  Anyone?  Anyone?

There is pear butter to be made!

How is YOUR Fall going?  What's making it extra special this year?


French Onion Soup.


Harry. Harry Potter.