While the husband's away...

A wee bit back, Stuart and our oldest two littles headed off to North Carolina to visit family. Originally, when the trip was planned, I was a zillion months pregnant and couldn't bare the thought of traveling with no less than four little ones. Throw into that decision the eighty nine animals here reliant on us for their survival (not the least of which is a bull on loan), and it made it a pretty easy decision to stay behind with half the clan and all the barnyard. While the husband's away...The first morning, after their departure, I woke up to make a coffee all my own. Two shots were pulled from the espresso machine. A lonely one was saved for later. As I nursed Juliette, I sat in silence - sipping the morning nectar from my mug and contemplating what I would attempt to accomplish that day. Ya'll. I sat. In silence. There were no four year old hobbits begging me for a sip, nor a nearly six year old wishfully requesting a cup full of maple syrup for breakfast. I just sat - stared at the mountains from the living room - and contemplated life for a few moments before the toddler awoke. Do you know when the last time I sat in silence was? Circa 2009.It's not like without half the family my days still haven't been plenty full. I'm in full-blown cookbook launch (have you ordered your signed copy yet?), kitchen remodel, garden harvesting, dōTERRA building, animal breeding, nursing baby mode around these parts. It's hectic - to say the least.It's quite incredible, as a parent, how used to the noise and activity you become. Like the air I breath, I'm accustomed to changing five sets of clothes, wiping bottoms, brushing teeth, preparing a line of plates for supper, and managing the mayhem of working from home. It's part of my existence. Life with littles and chaos is... well, it's my life. As is life with my sexy beast of a husband who's not left my side for more than a small handful of days since we began dating a decade ago. To say I'm used to his company is a gross understatement. Rather, in many ways, we are as one. However.While the husband's away...The house stays clean. It's a bloody miracle.And while the husband's away...The wife eats delicious soft boiled eggs with herbs and butter and crusty bread for almost every meal because 1) it's delicious 2) it's nutritious and 3) it makes almost no dishes. Viva la clean kitchen sink!And while the husband's away...The wife spends far too many hours watching romantic comedies at night because 1) she can and 2) there's no one to judge her for doing so. Viva la love!And while the husband's away...The wife rearranges the furniture because 1) it's the only time she can move everything around without eighteen little people jumping all over it and trying to build forts at the same time and 2) she can do it any way she please without any input from someone who may or may not be able to see her vision. While the husband's away...The wife goes online shopping for new bras because 1) a nursing mother can demolish a bra in no time and 2) her size is constantly changing with her milk supply and 3) she's trying to remember a teeny bit of the saucy young woman she used to be. Viva la fancy bras! While the husband's away...The wife video chats with her BFF sitting on her bathroom floor while her little ones bathe - pink tub, ugly shower curtain, and dirty clothes be damned. This provides her with a wee bit of adult company after three days at home without leaving the house. Also - it should be noted that the wife was on her second glass of wine. Viva la friends!While the husband's away...The wife booby-traps the old sliding doors and windows that are too broken to lock because 1) she's afraid of people sneaking into her house at night and 2) she's super afraid of people sneaking into her house at night. She also sleeps with a loaded pistol next to her bed for 1) cougars or coyotes who may happen to find their way onto the property and 2) people who sneak into her house at night. Don't sneak into her house at night. You'll find a hodge-podge of furniture and broomsticks blocking your path and Jim Gaffigan playing on the iPad while she sleeps (he keeps her company). Viva la home defense!While the husband's away...The wife remembers how much she misses his company, companionship, and touch. She remembers how odd it feels to fall asleep alone after years of spooning perfection. Yes, we spoon. Erry-night. Sorry - too much information? I can't help myself. I'm a spoon with no other spoon which makes me just a spoon who is not spooning and what's a spoon to do without spooning to do? Viva la cuddles.And while the husband's away...Ahh - who am I kidding? The wife counts down the days until his return because as nice as the soft boiled eggs, silence, clean house, and romantic comedies are, there no match for the utter delight she takes in her favorite human. The wife loves her husband more than all these things - times a million.And Amen.


How To Distress Wood: My magic secret!


Screen Time and Farm Kids