A Family Health Center At Home

When my babies were younger, I often struck up conversations with parents while both of us were dutifully changing or feeding our little ones. We talked about diaper rash, spit up, stuffy noses, lack of sleep, and the worrisome thoughts that consume a parent’s mind (there are certainly no shortages of those). We would share a sleep-deprived giggle over the weird bodily functions of our babies and celebrate small victories - like finally getting the big booger out of their teeny nostril with one of those blue bulb-sucker-things.

Reality requires we face all sorts of issues, gross or not, welcomed or not. Unfortunately, these issues often get bigger (and grosser) as we age. Therefore, it’s certainly beneficial for us to build up a pantry of items at home that can help us in serving these needs.

Plus, some of us live on a farm and we don’t want to drive to town for something we can deal with at home. Just sayin’.

Most commonly, we picture this “pantry” full of over-the-counter medications but here in our cottage, that pantry is full of beautiful alternatives. I passionately cling to the idea that the sorts of things we put in and on our bodies affect our health, well being, and quality of life. I also cling to the hope that others out there like me are just as passionate about building a toolbox that is full of tool free from toxic chemicals, side effects, and expiration dates.

I give thanks, often, for the work of modern medicine and all it has been able to accomplish. It is not a gift I take for granted. However, the thanks I give for a local Emergency Room (yes, we’ve used it) is coupled with monthly chiropractor visits for the whole family, a life devoted to clean food production and preparation, a focus on bedtime and healthy sleep patterns, daily essential oil usage, plenty of barefoot walking outdoors in the fresh air, acupuncture, and freedom of time and mind in scheduling decisions for our family. I join a band of others in marching towards a future where medicine, alternative medicines, and lifestyle can link arms and offer a whole-person approach to health.

For you, that means you’ve now got two things to focus on:

  1. Building a pantry of items to build wellness
  2. Learning how to use them wisely

Here’s where I would start:

  • Essential oils: These will serve as the backbone of your family wellness center. For every issue under the sun, both emotionally and physically. You can learn more about how essential oils work here.
  • Garlic capsules: An easy way to boost the immune system.
  • Coconut oil: For diluting essential oils or using on the sensitive skin of little ones.
  • Elderberry syrup: To keep sickness at bay, a teaspoon of elderberry syrup every day!
  • Echinacea tincture: For immune support when you’re down.
  • Epsom salt: For digestion and aches, soak in an epsom salt bath (2 cups of epsom salts/ bath) a few times a week.
  • Raw local honey: A wonderful support for your immune system.

Most of the items are self-explanatory and are used in the most basic of ways. Essential oils are perhaps the most complex of the pantry-items and require the most care in using wisely. A great place to learn about safe essential oils usage is to join a community of oilers where you will receive continuing, ongoing education. We would love to have you join ours (you can read more about how to do that here). I also recommend a resource book (such as The Essential Life) to guide you in knowing which oil to use for the most effective care.


The Basic Wellness Plan Everyone Should Be On

