Whole-Grain Crackers.

Okay, finally!  The cracker recipe has arrived!

I know you've been eager with anticipation.  Haven't you?

I knew it.

Because you know I'm always trying to find ways to replace store-bought items with nourishing homemade ones, I sought to find a cracker recipe that was easy and delicious. We've been avoiding buying store-bought crackers for some time now, but I was eager for an accompaniment to my raw cheddar cheese.  Insert: crackers.

These crackers really are easy to make, even though they do take some time.  Trust me, it's very passive work.  You can do it.  

Soaked Whole-Grain Crackers
You will need:
- 2 1/2 cups freshly ground whole wheat flour (you can also use rye, spelled, kamut, or a mixture).  And I'm not going to be a flour snob - it doesn't have to be freshly ground.
- 1 cup of plain yogurt (homemade is great!)
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 8 tablespoons of melted butter
- A few tablespoons of sesame seeds, optional
- A few teaspoons of your favorite dried herb (rosemary is delicious!), optional


Step One:  Combine the yogurt and flour. Let the flour mixture sit on your counter for 12-24 hours.  24 hours is best.

Step Two:  After the soaking time is over, toss the soaked flour mixture into the food processor.  Then mix in 4 tablespoons of the melted butter and the salt, baking powder, sesame seeds, and herbs until just combined.

Step Three:  Using a very floured surface (use organic, all-purpose flour), gently roll out the dough.  It will be very sticky, but be gentle and patient with it.  Roll it to about 1/8' inch thick.

Step Four:  Using a cookie cutter, or the bottom of a glass, cut the dough into crackers (once you've cut them out, gather up the remaining dough, reroll, and cut out some more until no more dough remains!)  Place on a sheet of parchment paper or a buttered cookie sheet.  You don't have to worry about them spreading out, so you can place them pretty close.  Lastly, brush them with the remaining melted butter.

Step Five:  Bake at 170 degrees in your oven until the crackers are crisp (five-ish hours?). Once they aren't sticky anymore, bump the heat up to 300 and get the crackers nice and toasty.  Watch them carefully - they can easily burn!  I suppose you could just bake them at 300 degrees for a few minutes...but they you may run the risk of them spreading into one another.  Plus, that's not what my recipe calls for - and that's just the way it is.  Bake them however you best see fit.

Yummy.  These crackers are delicious.  Perfect for dunking into hummus or topped with raw cheese.  Heck, you could even serve a spoonful of curried chicken salad on top of them as an appetizer.  

G-baby loves them, too.  What a wonderful little finger snack for her!

And yes, thank you for your prayers, she is feeling much better.  I knew when she started feeding the dogs nibbles of her food off the highchair tray we were back in business.

Two days ago, she would have been disciplined for it.  But today, I am just so thankful she is back to her old self, I pretend not to notice as she drops a bite of egg.  It sure is sweet, this 'thing' we call motherhood.  Sigh.


Make the crackers.  Nibble on them.  Enjoy them.

The end.

For other great meal ideas, no matter what your dietary restrictions, check out the meal planning service I use: Real Plans.

Soaked Whole-Grain Crackers

  • 2 ½ cups freshly ground whole wheat flour. And I'm not going to be a flour snob – it doesn't have to be freshly ground. ((you can also use rye, spelled, kamut, or a mixture))
  • 1 cup plain yogurt (homemade is great!)
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 8 tbsp melted butter
  • A few tablespoons of sesame seeds, optional
  • A few teaspoons of your favorite dried herb (rosemary is delicious!), optional
  1. Combine the yogurt and flour. Let the flour mixture sit on your counter for 12-24 hours.  24 hours is best.

  2. After the soaking time is over, toss the soaked flour mixture into the food processor.  Then mix in 4 tablespoons of the melted butter and the salt, baking powder, sesame seeds, and herbs until just combined.

  3. Using a very floured surface (use organic, all-purpose flour), gently roll out the dough.  It will be very sticky, but be gentle and patient with it.  Roll it to about 1/8′ inch thick.

  4. Using a cookie cutter, or the bottom of a glass, cut the dough into crackers (once you've cut them out, gather up the remaining dough, reroll, and cut out some more until no more dough remains!)  Place on a sheet of parchment paper or a buttered cookie sheet.  You don't have to worry about them spreading out, so you can place them pretty close.  Lastly, brush them with the remaining melted butter.

  5. Bake at 170 degrees in your oven until the crackers are crisp (five-ish hours?). Once they aren't sticky anymore, bump the heat up to 300 and get the crackers nice and toasty.  Watch them carefully – they can easily burn!  I suppose you could just bake them at 300 degrees for a few minutes…but they you may run the risk of them spreading into one another.  Plus, that's not what my recipe calls for – and that's just the way it is.  Bake them however you best see fit.


To tree or not to tree.


The world has stopped.